Orinda Community Church
Minutes of Church Council
Monday, December 12, 2016
Council Attendance: Gail Mead, Fred Matteson, Lani Shepp, Kathleen Wiegand, Bob
Winbigler, Dave Hoppock
Clergy Attending: Jim Brommers Bergquist
Minutes: The 10/26/16 minutes were approved unanimously by email on 10/30/16
Moderator’s Report: Lani and Kathi will finish the budget around 1/2/17. The Council
will meet the following week to approve the budget. The Annual Meeting is 1/29/17.
Dagmar needs two weeks before the annual meeting to prepare the Annual Report.
Strategic Planning Update: Working on developing a better financial picture of OCC by
updating the 2009 Report of the Financial Status Study Group. Planning group is
currently gathering information for the update. Gail plans to do a ministry meeting in
March using the updated report as a framework on how to implement our vision
statement and achieve our goal with the resources we have.
Designated gifts policy: The Council approved the policy and Gail will have Dagmar
post it on the website.
Year-end mission giving: Lani and Kathi will advise M&J on exactly how much it has left
to spend on charities/non-profits in 2016. M&J will then vote on how to spend the
money by the end of December. M&J will continue the annual planned giving to OSV
($1000); Holden High ($1000); and CCIH ($2000).
Immigrant welcoming resolution: We need a committee to investigate the process and
inform the congregation about becoming an immigrant-welcoming congregation.
Treasurer’s Report: It’s been a good stewardship season with most pledges
increasing for 2017. We reviewed the draft budget summary and Lani will continue to
work on it with Kathi, finishing it in early January.
Senior Minister Report: Last Sunday’s service was great with a large choir and a
large audience. How do we keep this up? How much do we want to grow? Are there
changes that need to be made? How do we get more families to join? How do we
compete with other churches? Jim continues to think on these issues. A goal for 2017
is to continue the small groups we have where people are growing in their faith and
interacting with each other. There will be a new member class in January. We’ll do a
weeklong youth program called Speak in Feb/March and hope to draw families with high
schoolers to discuss drug and alcohol issues. Stewardship thank you notes will go out
 Gail—have Dagmar post the new Designated Gifts Policy on the website
 Lani—with Kathi, advise M&J on amount of remaining budget for 2016 to spend
on charities/non-profits by the end of the year
Next Meeting: Thursday, Jan 12, at 6:30 pm (instead of 7:30 pm)
Kathleen Wiegand, Clerk