Minutes of Church Council
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Council Attendance: Gail Mead, Lani Shepp, Kathleen Wiegand, Bob Winbigler, Kurt Sunderbruch
Clergy Attending: Jim Brommers Bergquist
Minutes: the 4/27/2016 minutes were approved.
Moderator’s Report: The Council approved the Washington Room contract with the conditions that it show a price range from $3750 to a max of $4750 and pending Andy Weber’s satisfaction with the wording of the work needed. Work on the website continues. Gail is doing governance on it and all forms will be included online.
At-Large Member Reports: Bob indicated that Holden is upgrading its restrooms including signage and flooring. Kurt reviewed the help requests in CY&F’s May Ministry Report. To promote understanding, we need some standard ways of funding projects with directions on the website; we need to structure the financing. Gail will put together policies on how to do this. The Council clarified that the NYE and Belize trips and JAM camp are all covered under the church’s liability insurance. For “The Bus and Us”, Sue and the Kerstens will need to confirm their insurance will provide coverage. Kurt will advise Sue and Gail will advise the Kerstens.
Treasurer’s Report: Lani will have Kathi distribute financial reports to all the Council members. The pledges are at 48% which is good news as we approach the mid-year point. We are holding our own on cash reserves. F&S decided to ask everyone to increase their pledges by 5% (today’s Moment for Mission). The Oktoberfest fundraiser is scheduled for October 30 following the church service. We’re hoping to raise $16,000. Lani raised a concern about managing the TUTH for the longer haul. These funds are 44% of our cash reserves and need to be preserved. The Council needs to decide on a process for managing capital expenditure budgets. Lani and Gail will meet on a cap for TUTH before the next Council meeting. The Council will then discuss how to deal with proposed expenditures that are over the cap. The Council approved releasing $6744 to Andy to redo the Agape floor. TUTH balance is down to $70,000.
FOCUS: Staffing: We discussed filling the staffing void created by Nate’s leaving, focusing on the short term needs first. This involves continuing Kelsey’s role for another year and considering Sally Train for part time work. Gail will obtain Sally’s resume. Sally will be preaching on June 26 and July 31 and we’ll decide after that. Lani wants to fund full salaries out of the budget and not out of Endowment.
Action Items:
· Gail—write policy for standard ways of funding projects (with website directions)
· Gail/Kurt--inform Kerstens/Sue to confirm their insurance will provide coverage for “The Bus and Us”
· Lani--ask Kathi to distribute financial reports to all Council members
· Gail/Lani—meet before June Council meeting on a cap for TUTH
· Gail—obtain Sally Train’s resume for Council members
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 22; 7:30 pm
Kathleen Wiegand, Clerk