Orinda Community Church
Minutes of Church Council
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Council Attendance: Gail Mead, Fred Matteson, Lani Shepp, Kathleen Wiegand, Bob Winbigler
Clergy Attending: Jim Brommers Bergquist
Committee Chair Attending: Jeanne Samuelson (PRC)
Minutes: The 5/29/16 minutes were approved.
Moderator’s Report: Gail and Jim attended the NCNC-UCC Annual Gathering last Friday and Saturday. There were a variety of workshops. Trends involve including immigration status in affirming statements and having denominations advocate for gun control.
At-Large Member Reports: Patti (Youth) is planning something on Sept 11 for homecoming. Jim will check with Kelsey to avoid any duplication with C&F plans.
Treasurer’s Report: The Capital Project List reviewed by the Council needs prioritizing-- we’ll do a strategic plan in the late fall. Fred will work on prioritizing. The current TUTH is $70,500. Lani proposed a 6-month freeze on the use of TUTH funds, barring an emergency. The Council would decide what constitutes an emergency. We need to keep the TUTH money in the bank as a rainy day fund, e.g., for furnace repairs. The Agape projects can be done without going into TUTH. The Council approved an immediate freeze on TUTH, to be reviewed in 6 months. Bob will advise Andy of the TUTH freeze, of the need to do check request forms, and to request Endowment funds, if needed. Gail will send Andy a copy of these minutes. We need to determine a core budget then set up special fund-raising activities for other projects so we’re funding specific projects, not an endowment fund. Additional pledges are up to $4000 based on the F&S request to increase pledges by 5%. Finance plans to f/u with those who haven’t yet increased their pledges. Lani will work with the bank on the signatures needed for check-signing, having the Boy Scout troop keep separate bank accounts, and on obtaining a business credit card from Chase.
Senior Minister Report: Jim reviewed recent activities: the website remodel with an August launch; the current JAM camp with 8 kids and 12 counselors; the Med-Share project that had 15 participants; and the recent men’s group meeting. The UCC Conference theme was “Who’s Your Neighbor?” We should be looking to expand our neighbor-related activities. Do more care package, assembly-line projects where our neighbors/members can work together. At our auctions, we can sponsor members to attend different neighborhood events. The Belize trip starts this Sunday. Sally Train will preach this Sunday and be on the on call person. Lee Cruise will do the following week. Dion’s on vacation for 3 weeks in August. We have someone to do the sound system. We need a college-age person to clean for a couple of days/nights a week. Dave Hoppock has a possibility. Jim will talk to Dave’s person about doing the work.
Focus: PRC Report: The Council voted and agreed to go into a closed, executive session to discuss a matter that would violate the privacy of an individual if discussed in an open meeting.
Action Items:
• Jim—check with Kelsey on Sept 11 homecoming plans (duplicate C&F plans?)
• Fred—work on prioritizing the Capital Projects List (strategic plan for fall)
• Bob—advise Andy of TUTH freeze (request Endowment funds instead) and to do check request forms
• Gail—include Andy as a recipient for these minutes
• Lani—work with bank on checking account signatures; separate accounts for Boy Scouts; Chase business credit card
• Jim—talk to Dave Hoppock’s person about filling in for Dion in August
Next Meeting: July 20, 2016; 7:30 pm
Kathleen Wiegand, Clerk