Minutes of Church Council
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Council Attendance: Gail Mead, Fred Matteson, Lani Shepp, Kathleen Wiegand, Dave Hoppock, Kurt Sunderbruch, Bob Winbigler
Minutes: The 6/22/16 minutes were approved. From now on, Kathleen will send the minutes to all Council members, asking for approval. Once approved, Kathleen will notify/send updated version to Dave to post on the website (cc: Dagmar).
Moderator’s Report:
Staffing: We’re ready to move forward with having Sally Train pick up some of Nate’s pastoral duties. The Council moved to convene a group (Finance, PRC, Jim) to decide on a contract for a temporary, part time adjunct pastor position. The group will negotiate the contract but will come back to the Council for final approval. We’ll aim to have Sally start in Sept, if possible. Jim will send Nate’s contract to Gail.
Fall calendar: Homecoming is on 9/11 with a picnic at Kennedy Grove. LL&S and M&J are doing a big fall program on immigration. This dovetails into the annual conference voting to become a migrant welcoming conference and ensuing suggestions that local congregations include immigration status in their open and affirming statements.
Strategic Planning: To prioritize our finances, Gail suggested the Governance Committee do some strategic planning and get back to the Council. Take the vision we have and decide how we get there. Gail has notified Roger, Craig, and Kurt about meeting to do this.
At-Large Member Reports: With a few more people, our Worship & Music team could serve as a sounding board for Jim on new things he wants to try for worship services. Possibilities include Mike Kersten (head usher captain) and Bob Winbigler (choir). Gail will ask Kathi to call a meeting including Mike and Bob and report back to the Council at the September Council meeting. Gail will notify Jim that he’ll have this sounding board available.
C&F: Gwen needs to recruit volunteers for the September picnic—church announcements should help. She can get the calendar and memorial info she needs from Jim. Gwen’s term ends soon so Gail will have her check with C&F for a new leader.
Website: Will work on cell phones. Is almost all built; will go live when Jim returns from vacation. Council members to review the site and advise Dave of any changes needed.
Bob got a report from Pete H. regarding the furnaces. Doing some maintenance now to make sure everything’s a go for the cold season.
Lani will run the Feb 27-March 13 Winter Nights program in 2017. Kurt is checking with Sue B. to see if the Christmas offering can go to Winter Nights.
Treasurer’s Report: We moved $30,000 out of the Schwab account to our checking account. Chase will give us credit cards even though we have no account with them. The cards will have individual names on them (Jim and Dagmar). Either Gail or Lani will be the guarantor (can be changed when needed). Lani will check with Wells Fargo, too, and move forward to get the credit cards in place by fall. The boy scout troop is moving to separate their accounts from ours with a separate tax ID. The Council approved Lani (sponsoring organization) be the one to sign as guarantor on the IRS form for the boy scouts. Jim is receptive to Common Hope next year in Guatemala. Emphasis is on helping people. Gail will talk to Dixon about recognition for church members who are tithing.
Vice Moderator’s Report: There’s an OSV meeting on 8/8. Kurt, Dixon, Trudi, and Chris will join Fred at the meeting, if available.
The Council voted and agreed to go into a closed, executive session to discuss a personnel matter that would violate the privacy of an individual if discussed in an open meeting.
· Kathleen--email approved June notes to Dave to post on website (done)
· Kathleen—send monthly notes to Council members for changes/approval
· Jim—send Gail a copy of Nate’s contract
· Gail—advise Kathi to meet regarding a W&M sounding board for worship services and provide a report at Sept. Council meeting; Gail advise Jim of such
· Gail—have Gwen check with her group for a new C&F leader
· All—review new website and provide input to Dave
· Gail—talk to Dixon about recognition for members who are tithing
· Kurt—talk to Sue B. to see if Christmas offering can go to Winter Nights
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 (no August Council meeting)
Kathleen Wiegand, Clerk