Minutes of Church Council
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Council Attendance: Gail Mead, Fred Matteson, Lani Shepp, Kathleen Wiegand, Dave Hoppock, Bob Winbigler, Kurt Sunderbruch
Clergy Attending: Jim Brommers Bergquist
Ministry Chair Attending: Patti Grier (Children, Youth & Families)
Minutes: The 3/16/16 minutes were approved.
Moderator’s Report: We discussed the Council’s business procedures and the best way for us to conduct business. We discussed conflict management and using a 2/3 majority vote to decide recommendations. Fred will revise the conflict management policy paper to ensure the liberal application of tolerance. We need a policy for designated gifts. Gail will ask Finance and Stewardship to write this policy as well as language to include in all gift solicitations. Fred, Gail, and Jim will attend the NCNC-UCC Annual Gathering at Sonoma State University on Friday and Saturday (June 17-18). The Council agreed to meet on a Saturday morning in the fall for a mini-retreat to talk about bigger issues.
At-Large Member Reports: Kurt reviewed Gwen’s latest Care and Fellowship Ministry Report requesting support in four areas. We will plan something special for Nate’s final Sunday and will include details in the next Neighbor. Kurt will advise Gwen she’s authorized for refreshments for this event. Lani will work with the Finance Commission to remove three holding accounts still shown in Gwen’s reports that are outside her jurisdiction. We will not do an end of year party on June 19 but will continue the back-to-church celebration in the fall. To revitalize fellowship hour refreshments, we’ll try having different church groups be responsible for refreshments for a month. The Council will propose this idea to the groups. Dave mentioned the Yosemite signups are at 20. Website work continues and the group is hoping to finish the website by summer.
Treasurer’s Report: Changes in our accounting procedures have highlighted the need for other changes. The treasurers will now have authority over “orphan” accounts that aren’t controlled elsewhere. Groups collecting funds for events should talk/plan with the treasurers first. Funds collected for a certain event won’t disappear at the end of the year. Committees will get a statement on revenue and expenses so they can see if they’re exceeding their budget. Next Finance and Stewardship meeting is May 10.
Ministry Report: Patti Grier (for CY&F) initiated a discussion about safeguards we need for our youth at the church site, Jam Camp, and on trips (background checks, youth counselors, permission slips, medical releases, driver forms, insurance riders for liability, bus company details). Gail will provide some sample documents for Patti; Kelsey may also have information for Patti. We have one less person going on the Florida trip, reducing that total cost to $6000. We have a solid crew of Sunday school teachers. We need volunteers for Jam Camp, June 20-24, which will include preschool kids. Lani will check on Kelsey’s money estimate for Jam Camp. Patti discussed costs and possible dates for a fall retreat at Camp Cazadero but it’s getting late to do this in the fall. We’d need a minimum of 15 people. Can we reserve a spot and then cancel if we don’t get enough interest? Patti reviewed other youth projects, past and future.
Senior Minister Report: We need to plan for what’s next in terms of pastoral staffing including summer coverage for Jim when he’s away. Jim agreed to provide an outline of future pastoral staffing options to discuss at the May Council meeting. Lani will provide a budget picture. The Council agreed to fund Sally Train (ordained minister) for some summer coverage.
Vice Moderator’s Report: Fred is forming a group to interface with the OSV Board who is forming their own steering group.
New Matters: Kurt suggested taking the 2009 report of the financial status of OCC (past and future) and doing it again. Gail will send the Council the old report (done). Some ceiling tiles in the TOPS space fell down. While the tiles are safe, the tile mastic contains asbestos but encapsulating the tiles with paint renders them safe. The TOPS director was informed.
Action Items:
· Fred—revise conflict mgmt policy to ensure the liberal application of tolerance
· Gail—have Finance and Stewardship write a policy for designated gifts as well as language to include in all gift solicitations
· Kurt—advise Gwen she’s authorized refreshments for Nate’s final Sunday. Provide information on celebration for Nate to Dagmar (May Neighbor)
· Lani—work with Finance Commission to remove 3 holding accounts still shown in Gwen’s C&F reports that are outside her jurisdiction
· Gail—Propose fellowship hour refreshment idea to church groups
· Gail—provide sample permission slips to Patti
· Jim—prepare outline of future pastoral staffing options to discuss at May Council meeting
· Lani—provide budget picture on future pastoral staffing options for May Council meeting
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 25, 7:30 pm Kathleen Wiegand, Clerk